The Future [yeah, right]
Possibly insane prognostications about life, education, and other stuff in light of the Covd shutdown.
An AntiBlog
Possibly insane prognostications about life, education, and other stuff in light of the Covd shutdown.
An inordinate amount of pondering sparked by Covid, People, Life, and probably exacerbated by prodigious amounts of coffee consumption since I’m working from home now.
Will the Tom’s Typewriter ever help Tom get through the ever-expanding list o’ projects? Only time will tell……
Some thoughts about the complete shutdown. Since you are reading this WELL after the fact, see what happened!
Some interesting side-effects of the societal shutdown, on
The typewriter posts some artisanal thoughts on a world gone silent. Sort of.
Imaginary Answers to Imaginary Questions from a [mostly] Imaginary Audience.
Adulting, Birds, Noticing, productivity, and the art of missing out.
Weather in the South can be so stupid. Why “Song Title“? Because I have a tune I recorded called “72 Degrees in January“. CLICK HERE to check it out! Maybe one day I’ll put it on an album.
……in which the typewriter spits out lofty vocabulary to pontificate about the constant confusion of adulting.
Real men – definitely not what our culture says they are. And DEFINITELY not dangerous.
…..or maybe “Philolophical Thoughts” might be a better title.
So why can really little things really mess up your day?
Where the old curmudgeon learns from the recently mobile 15 month old.
More pixels wasted commenting on the recent trip to Manchester, England and City Church.
Whereas a dyslexic left-handed middle-aged white guy descends on the city of Manchester and notices a few things……
Seriously – I do wonder if I have high hemoglobin given the level of irony in my life……and that’s not exactly a recent phenomena..
Summer in the South can be so nice…..and so annoying.