“You should do a podcast”, I’m told by bunches of websites, articles, and pundits….. yet again. Been there, done that [again].
An AntiBlog
“You should do a podcast”, I’m told by bunches of websites, articles, and pundits….. yet again. Been there, done that [again].
News about Tom’s new album-in-process “The Week Begins”.
Typed up in May, 2022, here’s a quick update on how Tom Rule’s new album The Week Begins is going.
THIS is what happens when it’s a warm February evening on the typing porch….
Vinyl? Really? They outsold CDs in 2021. Why? The typewriter pondereth…..
There is indeed a gulf between two camps of musicians. Seriously…. and most musicians are only dimly aware of how differently the two camps think.
#Weird? #Normal? Does anyone know what those are? TomsTypewriter.com is wondering, again. You might want to find the aspirin bottle.
An SATB/choral arrangement of A Mighty Fortress finally gets published. #Why?
A wish for you in #2022.
Triglycerides, Christmas movies, sugary-sweet scripts, and is there really a point? #CurmudgeonlyPonderings from the #Typewriter. …..oh, and #MerryCHRISTmas, by the way.
Since it’s a week before Christmas…. or CHRISTmas, as I like to say…… and you are probably a bit tired of the same ol’ tunes on the radio that are played year after year….. Back in 2015 I released an album called It Should Be Called CHRISTmas. Along with it I recorded some additional videos […]
“That Music Thing”, an advantage to getting older, no guarantees, and a really odd space in my head. By the way, the heart surgeon really DID say that to me. Yes, he really **IS** a heart surgeon.
The Week Beings update, a tune, and a decidedly different modus operandi for me. So what do Beethoven, Fur Elise, bad handwriting, jazz, and ribs have to do with the typewriter?
Creating, processes, small incremental steps, along with “building a platform”, walking a mile, planning your day…. and just who **IS** this Jon Acuff, guy, anyway?
A small update on “the music thing”, along with some annoying platitudes, the War of Art, Resistance, and a few small steps. #music #goals There I go, being blog-ish again.
So Tom pulls out the typewriter and sees……… one lonely piece of paper in the case lid. What’s a typist with no whiteout to do?
Working on HOW MANY albums? HOW MANY different production processes? HOW MANY choices to be made? no wonder I’m nuts.
Wait – did I just break the rules of this blog and actually mention it on social media? Apparently, the answer is yes.
Sound, Physics, and Middle Georgia humidity…… and a long digression.
Porches, Plants, Chipmunks, and Cats.