
Welcome to Tom's Typewriter

Doing everything wrong online since before you were sentient. - Royal Quiet Deluxe 1953 model
Loaded with Truth

Yes, a Capital T “Truth”. [Yes, it DOES exist.]

You might be surprised what this typewriter will churn out. - 1953 Royal Quiet Deluxe
Done on a typewriter.

….then scanned in. No Google-readable text here, son – you’ll have to read it for YOURSELF.

[Yes, I know about OCR. I’m conveniently ignoring it. If you don’t know what it is, go look it up yourself. I’m not your Momma]. - 1953 Royal Quiet Deluxe typewriter
Posted when I feel like it.

That’s right – no particular schedule. Yet, worth keeping an eye out for. What’s posted here will be short, pithy, interesting, and sometimes even witty.

…and all Artisanally Typed on a 1953 model Royal Quiet Deluxe, with a crinkly gray finish.

The Latest Stuff

It’s easier to subscribe to this thing, so you’ll get an email when something posts. Seriously, you should do that. The signup form is below.

I won’t spam you. Really, I won’t.

Meetings and Schedules

Some info about recording “The Meeting” – the next being recorded for Tom’s next album The Week Begins. Some pix will be available over at – take a look at t…
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Process Part 2

More pondering about how I go about creating music in the studio, and how it relates to these artisanal missives cranked out on a vintage typewriter. I don’t know why I’m writing about thi…
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Who am I?

Branding, sure – but which part of my schizophrenic work life would I brand? Or is it easier to just be me, write about whatever [like I do here on], and get on with life?
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The education biz, training vs education, and why am I taking a class in project management?
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Creating, processes, small incremental steps, along with “building a platform”, walking a mile, planning your day…. and just who **IS** this Jon Acuff, guy, anyway?
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Yeah, I have thoughts. It this new? Well….. yes, and no. The tech is new. People are not. Read on……..
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Imaginary Answers to Imaginary Questions from a [mostly] Imaginary Audience.
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You knew I’d get around to typing about AI sooner or later. As usual, an unusual take on AI and humanity. …..or maybe not. You decide!
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Music, Goals, and Confusion

A small update on “the music thing”, along with some annoying platitudes, the War of Art, Resistance, and a few small steps. #music #goals There I go, being blog-ish again.
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YES, the pun is intentional. It bugs me when people apologize for puns….. MEAN it when you pun! A quick reminder of what this anti-blog is about, the rules under which I type, and yet another wa…
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The Porch beckons, along with some new tech that I’ve been holding off getting…..
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What This Is

A Place for Tom Rule to think out loud.

Given he’s lefthanded, dyslexic using a real honest-to-goodness typewriter, and is usually out of WhiteOut, this should be interesting.

Tom's Typewriter - interesting as usual.
Seriously, a TYPEWRITER?

Yes. A vintage 1953 Royal Quiet Deluxe.

Assuming I can build up the finger strength.

What's an Anti-Blog?

A Blog where the site owner deliberately breaks all the rules for making their blog popular.

What is this thing?

A place for Tom Rule [of and other sites] to put serious thoughts. “Serious” ones as well.

Tom has been in education for a long time, and is old enough to want to think out loud.

Tom's Music

Seriously, a typewriter?


Tom's Typewriter - interesting as usual.

Are you anti-Tech or something?

Given I work in Tech, have used Tech in creating music for longer than you’ve probably been alive, and that the stuff I type up will be scanned using a recycled Epson scanner connected to a Raspberry Pi 3, which will then ship the file off to a Mac Mini over a wireline Ethernet network for minor editing……. Nope.


Are you always crotchety?

I’m going more for the “old and interesting” vibe. Crotchety is just a pleasant side effect.
