Not a whole lot to add here.
An AntiBlog
Not a whole lot to add here.
Food Annoyances. Food as Medicine. oddities about my reaction to food. ………and the funniest headline I’ve seen in a long time [and that’s saying something.]
You are hereby formally invited to join the movement to change the name of this December holiday to something a bit more historically accurate – let’s start calling it CHRIST-mas. That’s why I titled my 2015 album what I did.
A bit o’ commentary on Macon’s BiPolar weather, hopes of cooler weather, and temporarily dashed hopes of cooler weather. …and even something about Context and Perception.
Some things that are comforting to remember…. along with a ton of wonky dyslexic typing.
Pondering all those people I’ve been associated with that were “just there” and “had always been there” who made things “just work”. I’m marvelling how clueless I was as a youngster….and wondering when I became “that person”. Sheesh…. that’s a lot of “double quotes”.
A response to the young DINKS [“double income no kids”] who were bragging about how “free” their life is on social media.
There are times to tussle with music in the trenches over a period of time, learning the stuff… and then there are times to take the shortcuts because there’s a deadline. Knowing which situation you find yourself in is a good thing.
…in which the protaganist pontificates using multisyllabic words about constantly learning – sometime of his own volition, others from situations forced upon his weary but decidedly not bored brain.
Is this original?
“We humans can be so stupid” sounds like a clickbait opening line – but it isn’t. A Duke’s Mixture of sentences about gender, moon Pies, Chesterton, and…….wisdom?
Another in a series of posts with very short titles. Either it is a trend or my fingers are getting tired. What’s with the title? You’ll have to read and think about it……
The education biz, training vs education, and why am I taking a class in project management?
Tech utopia doesn’t exist. There, I said it.
“Mile Wide and Inch Deep” doesn’t even BEGIN to describe me. UNLESS I’m wrong.
Fun with small things and small people. A good reminder for those of us dealing with Big Things [relatively speaking.
I must have high hemoglobin because my life is so full of irony.
Typewriter and Computer keyboards are…… different.
Creatives, Pathways, and “Paging Eloise”…. the video?