

When did THAT happen?

Pondering all those people I’ve been associated with that were “just there” and “had always been there” who made things “just work”. I’m marvelling how clueless I was as a youngster….and wondering when I became “that person”. Sheesh…. that’s a lot of “double quotes”.

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Painful Joy

A response to the young DINKS [“double income no kids”] who were bragging about how “free” their life is on social media.

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Production vs. Education

There are times to tussle with music in the trenches over a period of time, learning the stuff… and then there are times to take the shortcuts because there’s a deadline. Knowing which situation you find yourself in is a good thing.

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…in which the protaganist pontificates using multisyllabic words about constantly learning – sometime of his own volition, others from situations forced upon his weary but decidedly not bored brain.

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“We humans can be so stupid” sounds like a clickbait opening line – but it isn’t. A Duke’s Mixture of sentences about gender, moon Pies, Chesterton, and…….wisdom?

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Another in a series of posts with very short titles. Either it is a trend or my fingers are getting tired. What’s with the title? You’ll have to read and think about it……

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Fun with small things and small people. A good reminder for those of us dealing with Big Things [relatively speaking.

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Part one, although I didn’t know that as I typed it. Come to think of it, I’m typing this in-between me typing the original and you reading this. Hmmmmmm……

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The James Webb telescope, airconditioning, cell phones, cars, milk, the internet, health care, and a fight in third grade about the Apollo Saturn 5 rocket… all tied together by The Typewriter.

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Railroad Tracks

Life is – decidedly NOT like a box of chocolates, except on rare occasions. It’s like…. oh, read the thing to see what I’m thinking.

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