I Wonder
Of Sprinkler Systems and the oddball way my head works. Or is it God?
An AntiBlog
Of Sprinkler Systems and the oddball way my head works. Or is it God?
Sobering thoughts: Some are significant. Some are “significant”. Feel free to add your own air quotes.
A Blank Page Can Be A Scary Thing.
New posts coming. As usual, “on the 7s”. Around 6:00am or so. Here’s some Jazz while you wait:
Another episode with random bits of Truth that pop into my head and down through my fingers down to TomsTypewriter.
2 albums? At the same time? Am I crazy? Plus some thinking out loud about how underpaid Beethoven’s copyists were, the differing workflows, and the lack of PostIt notes from heaven…….
Another load of… thoughts… from TomsTypewriter.com
Fatigue with what’s wrong abounds….with a bit o’ hope, and a bit of work to focus on.
Pondering the different approaches to music and recording in a few genres…. and what my favorite it.
Genius, Stupidity, tshirts, and recalcitrant typewriter ribbons.
Yup, the typist gets annoyed about Faith. Perhaps he is aiming for the official Curmudgeon Badge.
Creative thinking about creativity, creatively typed [or should that be artisanally typed?)… plus being noticed.
Of tab stops, weather, and thinking on different types of devices.
So, what SHOULDN’T be recycled?
Another in a continuing list of questions I’d really like answered.
It’s a 70 year old typewriter, for pete’s sake. What does ergonomics and and a $10 table have to do with anything?
3 posts are in the queue. They’ll drop on the 7s [i.e. the 14th, 21st, and 28th]. Why? Just ‘cuz. See you then.
Possibly insane prognostications about life, education, and other stuff in light of the Covd shutdown.
An inordinate amount of pondering sparked by Covid, People, Life, and probably exacerbated by prodigious amounts of coffee consumption since I’m working from home now.
Will the Tom’s Typewriter ever help Tom get through the ever-expanding list o’ projects? Only time will tell……