1 word vs multi-word titles. Why I like short titles better. The paper I type on. In other words, the usual plethora of ponderings.
An AntiBlog
1 word vs multi-word titles. Why I like short titles better. The paper I type on. In other words, the usual plethora of ponderings.
As I was prepping this entry – and in a fit of irony – I realized I’d left out several parts of the process [including exporting the PDF as a PNG and running it through the MacOS Preview/”Adjust colors” feature.Oh, well – further proof I’m human.
It has been some time, so I thought it would be useful for newer readers to this missive from the convoluted brain that currently resides in state inside my skull to know what my operating parameters are. In other words – these are the rules I set forth back when […]
YES, the pun is intentional. It bugs me when people apologize for puns….. MEAN it when you pun! A quick reminder of what this anti-blog is about, the rules under which I type, and yet another warning that this blog is created by dyslexia.
Another in a series of posts with very short titles. Either it is a trend or my fingers are getting tired. What’s with the title? You’ll have to read and think about it……
What do you type when your head is empty….er, I mean, swirling around and casting about something to fill up that blank sheet of paper sitting in front of you? HOPEFULLY, something interesting. Now, where DID I put that Field Notes Left-handed notebook?
Typewriter and Computer keyboards are…… different.
Well, that could be an odd title. Perhaps it is a patently self-obvious one. Regardless, it was typed – often poorly. Perhaps I should start a GoFundMe to get this typewriter refurbished… it will take me some time to save up enough nickels for the $900 refurbishment. Naaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh………..
Yes, this really did happen. Yes, I’m STILL wondering why I didn’t jump 15 feet in the air. The “yip” I left out was decidedly unimpressive.
Marketing, consistency, it that always a good thing?, plus tweets that are longer lasting than my deodorant.
More pondering about how I go about creating music in the studio, and how it relates to these artisanal missives cranked out on a vintage typewriter. I don’t know why I’m writing about this – perhaps it is because I’m still figuring it out, even after all of these years.
So Tom pulls out the typewriter and sees……… one lonely piece of paper in the case lid. What’s a typist with no whiteout to do?
Creative thinking about creativity, creatively typed [or should that be artisanally typed?)… plus being noticed.
Of tab stops, weather, and thinking on different types of devices.
It’s a 70 year old typewriter, for pete’s sake. What does ergonomics and and a $10 table have to do with anything?
Wherein Tom’s Typewriter gets a dash of color….but sadly, still lousy typing