

Production vs. Education

There are times to tussle with music in the trenches over a period of time, learning the stuff… and then there are times to take the shortcuts because there’s a deadline. Knowing which situation you find yourself in is a good thing.

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Who am I?

Branding, sure – but which part of my schizophrenic work life would I brand? Or is it easier to just be me, write about whatever [like I do here on], and get on with life?

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The Week Begins: Friday Already?

More [hopefully] accessibly deep music. BY THE WAY: I’ll be performing at Joey Stuckey’s Alive Day celebration on September 29th, 2023, at the Douglass Theater in downtown Macon. It’s a FREE show – starts in the EARLY evening [maybe as early as 6] – I’m the first act on the […]

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The Week Begins: WaterCoolerCoffeeBreak

Yup, a funky name for a track that sounds like some of those in-between moments at work. One of those tunes that started as an experiment, specifically using a softsynth called “Knifonium” by Plugin Alliance [The original hardware unit can be seen HERE – and costs considerably more than I […]

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